:: 4.10.2003 ::
Please make a call today to your members of Congress to ask that they outlaw corporate offshore tax dodges. You can reach them through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. You can also find contact information here and here. Be sure the staff members know you're a constituent, then urge them to demand a vote on the "Corporate Patriot Enforcement Act" (HR 737 / S 384). Ask for their position on corporations and wealthy citizens leaving the country to avoid taxes. Ask them to provide it in writing. Tell them how you feel about this happening while young Americans are being sent to Iraq, and while we’re all facing deficits and cutbacks at home.
One of the biggest obstacles to action on this issue is that House Republican Leaders Dennis Hastert (R-IL-14) and Tom Delay (R-TX-22) are refusing to allow a vote on it. Please call them too, at:
House Speaker Dennis Hastert: 202-225-0600 or 202-225-2976
House Republican Leader Tom Delay: 202-225-4000 or 202-225-5951
Urge them to immediately let the Corporate Patriot Enforcement Act come to a vote. Ask for their position in writing as well.
Please let MoveOn know that you've made these calls by going here. Keeping track of the calls increases the effectiveness of their campaign.
HR 737, the Corporate Patriot Enforcement Act, is officially summarized as: "A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to prevent corporate expatriation to avoid United States income taxes."
More on this here.
:: Deb 12:11 PM :: permalink ::
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