:: 5.29.2003 ::
More criticism of the Bush education bill, which many are saying is a good piece of legislation that's getting hamstrung by a lack of funding, and others say is just bad policy.
On the FCC rules:
Sen. Byron L. Dorgan (D-N.D.) cited a radio study that examined the nation's 44 top-rated stations over a week and found that they broadcast 312 hours of conservative talk programming, compared with 11 hours of liberal shows.
Dorgan pointed out that these stations are owned by only five companies...
Although [FCC Chairman Michael K.] Powell said public-interest programming is necessary, he's uncomfortable with the five commissioners deciding what it should be. "If you're using the government will to impose 'castor oil' or 'eat your vegetables' programming, you'd better be a little bit concerned that you're going to allow three of five unelected officials to unduly impose what they prefer to see on TV," he said.
Uh huh. But it's ok for 5 unelected CEOs to make that decision, instead. From the Washington Post.
:: Deb 3:49 PM :: permalink ::
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