:: 6.06.2003 ::
It sure is nice to see Democratic presidential candidates in the news for talking about important issues!
On Capitol Hill in Washington, another presidential candidate, Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, said he wants the White House to provide Congress with evidence to support administration claims about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
"The president led the nation to war on the basis of unfounded assertions," Kucinich said. "It is long time past that the administration shows its evidence."
Kucinich said he will introduce a resolution of inquiry on Thursday asking for the evidence to back up 10 statements made by Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and White House press secretary Ari Fleischer from Aug. 26, 2002 through March 30, 2003.
From APWire. Also check out this story about Howard Dean calling for a repeal of the Bush tax cut. All four Democratic senators running for President opposed the cut. The former Vermont governor, like his Democratic rivals, cited the 2.7 million jobs lost during Bush's tenure in the White House and pointed to the fact that a day earlier, the president signed a bill allowing the federal government to borrow as much as $7.4 trillion, an increase in the federal debt limit.
"The president promises everything and delivers nothing," Dean said.
:: Deb 4:50 PM :: permalink ::
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