:: 7.31.2003 ::
Here's a tidbit from this month's Harper's Index I felt obliged to share:
Number of Grateful Dead concerts attended by columnist Ann Coulter : 67
I don't know what to think about that. First of all, How do they know? Second, What?!
Another fun one from the same list:
Percentage [of Americans] who said [the Iraq war] will have been worthwhile even if weapons of mass destruction are never found : 60
Now, I have no idea where they get their numbers, but that's just scary. WMDs were the main reason given for launching a pre-emptive strike against a sovreign nation. And more than half of Americans don't care that this reason might turn out to be bogus? Thanks to Pete for the heads-up on this article.
Quote of the Day:
"In order to, you know, placate the critics and the cynics about intentions of the United States, we need to produce evidence."
- President Bush, July 31st 2003
:: Deb 2:42 PM :: permalink ::
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