:: 9.25.2003 ::
Quote of the Day
"We need to remember that the enemy here is George Bush, not each other."
- Democratic Presidential candidate Howard Dean, in the debate today.
Here's another snippet from the debate, this time from retired General Wesley Clark: Challenged about his political pedigree, Clark had a ready reply.
"I am pro-choice, I am pro-affirmative action, I'm pro-environment, pro-health," he said. "That's why I'm proud to be a Democrat."
In a slap at Bush's foreign policy, the former supreme NATO commander said the United States should "engage with allies, be a good player in the international community, should use force only as a last resort." Sounds good to me! Personally, I think Clark and Dean would be a tough ticket to beat; I just wonder which of the two of them would be willing to be VP...
Here's the NBC story on the debates, which includes a video clip link. And here are audio files and transcripts from the September 4th Democratic debate.
:: Deb 5:01 PM :: permalink ::
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