:: 10.14.2003 ::
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Republican handlers tapped a powerful emotional fuel to win the recall, but it wasn't economic hardship. It was white fear.
The mainstream media has done a poor job of documenting the organization of the recall at the grassroots level where AM voices like Roger's, or his counterpart Eric Hogue's in Sacramento, rouse thousands of mini-Terminators. As a result, there has been an overly respectful legitimation of economic populism in the recall dynamic and only a faint registration of the central role of traditional racist demagoguery and the revival of the Brown Peril rhetoric that made Pete Wilson the most hated figure in the state's Latino neighborhoods. To adapt a rap phrase, "It's all about fear of a brown planet." From Mike Davis's Mother Jones commentary on the California recall, The Day of the Locust. Thanks to Serena for the link.
:: Deb 12:41 PM :: permalink ::
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