:: 11.05.2003 ::
The Daily Show comes through once more.
Apparently, the Senate passed Bush's $87 billion aid package by a voice vote, not even bothering to take a formal roll call: Leadership aides said it was passed by voice vote because the outcome was a foregone conclusion. That allowed members of both parties to avoid taking a recorded stand on a bill about which many were ambivalent. While support for the military funding was broad and bipartisan, the reconstruction funding was far more controversial and unpopular. I'm not really sure how to feel about this. On the one hand, to paraphrase Jon Stewart, what pussies! On the other, well, I know that our representatives often back away from voting in a way that they think will be unpopular, precisely because their vote is public. I'm all for an open political process, but I can think of several Senate votes over the past few years (i.e. the resolution that allowed the President to unilaterally declare war on Iraq) that might have gone the other way had Senators not been so concerned about "appearing unpatriotic." Read more about how our money will be spent in the LA Times and CBSNews.
There was a second story on the Daily Show which I have been unable to find anywhere else. Jon Stewart showed a bunch of footage from a CBS affiliate (you can clearly see the logo in the lower right corner and on the mike in the reporter's hand) showing a reporter harassing people about the state of their American flags. Literally. He walked into a business and harangued some guy about being unpatriotic while said guy was in the middle of a transaction. I've done some Googling but I can't find it anywhere. Anyone else catch this story, and happen to get the reporter's name?
:: Deb 10:10 AM :: permalink ::
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