:: 12.03.2003 ::
I'm not even sure of the point of this latest lie.
Apparently White House Communications Director Dan Bartlet put out a story that a British pilot spotted Air Force One off the western coast of England as it was headed towards Iraq on Thanksgiving Day. The pilot allegedly radioed "Did I just see Air Force One?" and the pilot of Air Force One allegedly replied, "Gulfstream Five," which is a much smaller aircraft. After British Airways spoke up to say that none of their pilots had done any such thing, the White House "clarified" the story, saying the pilot had actually spoken to the control tower in London about the sighting. Again, British Airways stated that "none of its pilots has come forward to acknowledge either making or overhearing the purported conversation."
A Farker linked to this story on Newsday, and of course the Daily Mislead was all over it.
:: Deb 5:11 PM :: permalink ::
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