:: 2.18.2004 ::
Not yet sure what to make of this
..but some of it stinks to high heaven. The Justice Department has exaggerated its performance in the war on terrorism, interfered with a major terror prosecution and compromised a confidential informant, a federal prosecutor has alleged in an extraordinary lawsuit against Attorney General John Ashcroft.
In his lawsuit, Convertino says the Justice Department is retaliating against him because he has complained frequently and publicly about "the lack of support and cooperation, lack of effective assistance, lack of resources and intradepartmental infighting" in terrorism cases.
[Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard] Convertino says he complained repeatedly to the Justice Department in Washington that it placed "perception" over "reality" to the serious detriment of the war on terror.
He is seeking unspecified damages under the Privacy Act for harm to his reputation.
Justice Department spokesman Mark Corallo declined to comment.
Convertino came under internal Justice Department investigation last fall after telling a Senate committee of his concerns.
Convertino also accused Justice officials of intentionally divulging the name of one of his confidential terrorism informants (CI) to retaliate against him.
The leak put the informant at grave risk, forced him to flee the United States and "interfered with the ability of the United States to obtain information from the CI about current and future terrorist activities," the suit alleges. Any of that sound familiar?
:: Deb 2:14 PM :: permalink ::
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