:: 4.20.2004 ::
7 years later, GM soya no longer a miracle in Argentina
a) Soya is such a big cash crop that big farmers are planting it exclusively, driving 150,000 small farmers off their land
b) Soya is so successful that it grows even where it's not wanted; farmers have to use large amounts of powerful herbicides to control it, since it is designed to be resistant to Roundup
c) Difficult weeds such as horsetail are developing resistance to Roundup as well, raising the spectre (as enviros have predicted ed for years) of so-called "superweeds"
d) Soya is being grown at the expense of staples like milk, rice, maize, potatoes and lentils
Check out the whole story in the Guardian UK, c/o Grist Magazine.
:: Deb 11:12 AM :: permalink ::
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