:: 4.05.2004 ::
So cool, and so necessary:
A biomass plant that can convert any kind of waste into pure oils, gases, minerals and water - with nothing left over. It even runs on the gases produced by the process! More from Newsday: Appel acknowledges that producing a barrel of oil through thermal conversion costs about 50 percent more than doing it by conventional refining. But he said costs are falling as the technology improves and that the Missouri plant is currently operating at a "small profit" because it's selling the oil and fertilizer it produces. If the price of oil keeps rising, he said, so will profits. Plus, he said, ConAgra no longer has to pay anyone to take away its turkey waste, which had been used as an ingredient in animal feed until the new waste-to-oil plant opened. Thanks to the Daily Grist for the link!
:: Deb 8:13 PM :: permalink ::
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