:: 6.16.2004 ::
Actually, I do have one thing to say
...or rather, quote: Gilman argues that the Republicans have transformed themselves into the first ideologically-defined American political party to achieve success, while the Democrats remain an old-fashioned non-ideological party serving group interests. These partisan differences are manifest in approaches to governing: Democrats prefer to bargain and compromise, while Republicans assume that a majority entitles them to full control over policy outcomes. To challenge the Republicans successfully, Democrats must abandon the old-style of governing as policy tacticians and adopt an ideological approach to governing in the classic European sense. That is from an abstract of an article written by a friend of mine, Nils Gilman, for The Forum (thanks, Zach!!!). More here (including said article), if yer interested.
Sounds right on the money to me. Not that I'm sure I want Democrats to become idealogues... but they do seem to have trouble really defining what they stand for from election to election, and that is becoming a real political problem for them.
:: Deb 5:42 PM :: permalink ::
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