:: 8.18.2004 ::
Ah, the Olympics
First off, let me say I've enjoyed watching the swimming and gymnastics events very much. I think all athletes involved have performed with grace and style and unparallelled (does that word really have that many "l"s?!) sportsmanship.
HOWEVER, I think NBC's coverage of the Games has been abysmal. I think it sucks that one company can buy all the broadcasting rights to an event like this, because without competition there is (surprise!) no motivation to provide the best coverage possible, or even to show all the events. At least they show some of the less-popular events on Bravo and TBS (I think that was the other one), which they own... but the commentators talk way too much - even talking over Bjork's solo and announcements made during the games - and have so little to say that's actually interesting or useful or even INTELLIGENT that half the time I mute the friggin' thing. Argh. How much are these bozos getting paid?
They'll spout Madden-worthy drivel like, "she really needs to grab hold of the bar on the way down," referring to a female gymnast who just miffed a catch on the uneven bars. But they won't say anything about why a balance beam routine that was seemingly perfect got a 9.356. Or why the male gymnasts tend to get higher scores than the women on the vault, even when they make bigger mistakes on their landings.
Makes me crazy.
Then there's all the Hallmark-y slop about how hard a particular (generally American) athlete has worked to get where they are today, the adversity they had to overcome to make it to the Games this year, blah blah blah and lots of soft focus and sweeping cheesy music. SHOW ME THE EVENTS AND SHUT UP. I certainly find people's life stories interesting, but that's not why I tune in to watch the Olympics.
Ok, enough ranting for today.
:: Deb 12:07 PM :: permalink ::
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