:: 8.20.2004 ::
George Lucas squandering what's left of his image
This guy truly disgusts me now. After the ruin he made of the first two Star Wars prequels (and unfortunately the original movies as well), I thought he had simply subverted his artistic vision to make his kids happy; now I believe that he had very little artistic vision to begin with, and it has been thoroughly squashed by his slavering thirst for cash. I, for one, will not be giving him any more of my money, and I recommend that anyone who is considering paying $10 to see his next movie should first read this article.
When yer done reading that, I recommend "78 Reasons to Hate The Phantom Menace"; here's a good one: Reason #5
"Check it out, Corporal."
An army entirely made of droids I will accept (for the current moment). The fact that they have ranks I will not! How can an army of mechanical objects have ranks? Why are they giving commands through audible microphones? A military droid should not communicate via sound waves nor should one outrank another. They should simply draw weapons and fire. Not only would this make them a scarier foe but they would also probably spend a lot less time drawing comic attention to themselves and falling apart in a humorous manner. Thanks to Jon for the link.
And just in case you care, here's the complete script for Episode I.
:: Deb 10:58 AM :: permalink ::
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