:: 8.03.2004 ::
Oops! We were fair and balanced there for a minute O'REILLY: ...One last question, 30 seconds. Do you think Osama bin Laden fears you?
NADER: I think he likes Bush, because Bush is playing right into his hands by inflaming the Islamic world with that crazy invasion of Iraq that's picking off our troops, draining our billions of dollars, and in effect, a magnet for more terrorism. A diamond in the rough, found by Bob Harris. Go Bob!
Here's a gem from Tom Tomorrow's Democratic Convention coverage:You can see down into the Fox skybox from where we are, and here's a fun bit of trivia for you: Bill O'Reilly does not stand up during the national anthem. ... and remember, this is the same guy who said in his "Talking Points" segment that "those who publicly criticize our country in a time of military crisis, which this is, [are] bad Americans." What an asshole.
:: Deb 2:39 PM :: permalink ::
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