:: 10.19.2004 ::
Sinclair group to curtail anti-Kerry broadcast
Sort of. They'll show only part of 'Stolen Honor', and claim that's what they intended to do all along. They will also show "a special news program on Friday called 'A POW Story: Politics, Pressure and the Media' that would discuss the allegations surrounding Kerry's anti-Vietnam War activities." Uh huh. Any bets on how much time ABC affiliates spent analyzing Bush's Vietnam record?
Thanks to Leslie for the link.
More info on this in an earlier post, here.
Here's some activism info from my friend Mike
Check out this web site. It lists the phone numbers of Sinclair's 10 largest advertisers, and it encourages you to call them up and tell them what you think about what Sinclair is doing. They have a sample letter here.
If you have the time and inclination, make some phone calls!
:: Deb 3:13 PM :: permalink ::
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