:: 10.22.2004 ::
The supply issue
According to this op-ed piece in USAToday, "18 Army reservists ...refused what some of them called a "suicide mission" to deliver fuel in a dangerous area near Baghdad on Oct. 13". First I've heard of it, so let's see...
The story cites unprotected vehicles ("Since May 2003, more than 200 soldiers riding in everything from Humvees to fuel trucks have been killed by improvised explosives."), supply shortages (families have been forced to buy and send armor to their loved ones on the field), and second-rate defenses as systemic problems in the Iraq war effort. These are problems I remember hearing about since last November, when a shoulder-fired missile took out a National Guard helicopter, and troops in Iraq complained that reservists were flying helicopters without the up-to-date missile-defense systems carried by some choppers.
Sounds like it's going really well over there, eh?
A CNN story from Sunday confirms the basic facts, i.e. that 18 reservists refused a mission to deliver fuel, citing safety concerns. Here's more detail about what happened, in an Online Newshour interview with the reporter who first broke the story.
:: Deb 3:14 PM :: permalink ::
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