:: 12.16.2005 ::
What you don't hear/read/see can kill you
Here's an interesting interview with Larry Beinhart, the author of Wag the Dog and The Librarian. He has written a new book: Fog Facts: Searching for Truth in the Land of Spin. Here's a quote from the interview: You have to learn to look at what they do and ignore what they say. Whatever it is that they’re doing is not a war on terror, because they haven’t caught the terrorists and they haven’t cut down on the terrorists. But what they have done is they’ve managed to break the back of one of the absolute foundations of international law, which is the sovereignty of nations, and broken the back of one of the highest ideals of the 20th Century, established at Nuremberg -- that aggressive war is the mother of all war crimes. Heady stuff.
:: Deb 6:15 PM :: permalink ::
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